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The 1000-acre apparel park has been committed towards environmental sustainability by embedding sustainability practices into our day-to-day operations

Harvesting Rainwater

The Park harvests rain water through its combined 500 million litre capacity ponds, ensuring every possible raindrop is harvested, and meeting 30% of the parks annual water usage, sustainably.


30% Rainwater supply annually

Adhistan is a Zero-Landfill Apparel Park

With biocatalyst treatment, Adhistan has reduced sludge generation by 23%, or 1.15 tons per million litres. With this process, the Park eliminates 200 metric tons of sludge generation every year.

Adhistan is the first industry in the state to have installed a Solar Sludge Drying Process unit to avoid landfill waste. This solar sludge drying technology, increases the calorific value, so that it may be used as alternate fuel for industries such as cement production, and there by reduces their dependency on the fossil fuels.

23% Reduce sludge generation
200 metric tons/year

Towards Cleaner Energy

With a commitment towards sustainable energy, Adhistan commenced our clean energy initiatives in 2012 and are moving towards meeting 60% of the energy required for the apparel park through a combination of rooftop, floating and ground solar energy of 12 Megawatts, and will contribute to reduce 18,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually.

With continuous investments and efforts for power optimisation and green energy, the Park will achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2030.

Net Zero Carbon by 2030

Towards a Greener Tomorrow

Adhistan has developed green cover of over 100 acres to help absorb 1,300 tons of CO2 emissions annually. The fruit plantation also supports in preserving natural fauna and eco system development.

The Park has commenced adding a further 100,000 saplings more to its green belt.

1,300 tons of CO2 absorb annually
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